Wednesday, November 27, 2013

37 weeks

So after making me sit in the waiting room for an hour I finally had my follow up growth ultrasound yesterday. Two weeks ago lo was measuring 5 lbs 1 oz. and we needed to see descent weight gain otherwise the dr wants to induce. So the tech takes the measurements and gets 5 lbs 6 oz, not good enough. Then she says she wants to measure again and "stretched it" to 5 lbs 8 oz. So then the dr comes in (not my regular dr) and he says he's not too happy with the weight gain and wants to remeasure. He measures three times and says he "was able to get me to 6lbs". So I asked him if she is actually 6lbs or is that stretched to show more growth and he said that the measurements are just estimates anyways. Well WTF is that supposed to mean? 

While I was on the table I had three contractions in 40 mins. On the last contraction he asked me if I realized that I was having a contraction, which I said yes (gee thanks asshat, is that what that intense cramping was?) Then he asked me if I had planned to stay close to home for Thanksgiving because lo may decide to come this weekend. I asked him what his thoughts on induction were and he stuttered, told me to ask my regular OB at my appt today and then said he thought no because he thought I'd likely go on my own. 

 So I left basically feeling like the 6lb measurement was bullshit and the first measurement was most accurate since they weren't "trying" to get me anywhere. I was having pretty consistent contractions all yesterday afternoon but wasn't timing them. I started timing them last night and they were about 15 mins apart but then stopped.

So I met with my regular OB today and I explained how they "stretched" the measurements. She guessed that maybe that dr felt I was going to go on my own before we scheduled an induction so maybe he was trying to give me a higher weight to try and make me feel better, who knows. But regardless she said we were going to approach this with the initial measurement of 5 lbs 6oz. So because there was some growth (which was not the greatest) she doesn't want to induce immediately especially since the BPP ultrasound and stress test I had last week were excellent (lungs, heart rate, etc). I was 1 cm dilated 50% effaced last week and today I was 2cm still 50% effaced so she thinks I will go on my own probably within the next week or so since I've been having regular contractions. She wants to do a bpp and growth ultrasound first thing Monday and go from there. If she still hasn't shown significant growth then we'll induce at 39 weeks (if I'm still pregnant by then). So I feel better after talking to her and that we have a plan. 

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