Well a lot has happened over the past month. We did a growth ultrasound at 29 weeks because my bump was measuring a little small (which is not unusual for me as I measured consistently small with Bruce). Little girl was in the 39th percentile at 2 lbs 6 oz. She also finally flipped and is head down.
I had my recheck ultrasound yesterday and the cyst is back :( Well it was probably never really gone but we probably couldn't see it last time. It is slightly larger as it went from 1.7 cm to 2.7 cm. Luckily it is not restricting blood flow to the cord but they want to recheck it in 3 weeks. They measured the baby and she is still petite in the 23rd percentile but is now weighing in at 4 lbs 3 oz. My dr is happy with her growth and thinks she will be slightly smaller then Bruce. My total weight gain is 35 lbs bringing me to 133 lbs.
I overall feel pretty good but I'm super uncomfortable now. I have horrible swelling in my feet and heartburn pretty much through out the day. I feel like a giant whale and can't wait for little girl to be here already. The nursery is almost completely switched over and Bruce is loving his new big boy bed.
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