Well I finally heard back from my regular doctor today after leaving a message on Thursday. It is really unusual for them not to call me right back but they still got an ear full.
The doctor said that normally these cysts get reabsorbed but if it doesn't or continues to grow they are going to be very proactive. I am being treated as a marginal cord insertion. A normal cord is attached in the center of the placenta (which mine is) but on a marginal cord insertion it is attached on one side. Because the cyst is on one side of the placenta they are treating me as a marginal cord insertion. This means ultrasounds every four weeks until 30 weeks then once a week for the remainder of the pregnancy. I'll also have a stress test at some point. She said fortunately these cysts if they do cause a problem don't until the third tri. At that point they would probably deliver the baby early either by induction or C section (depending how many weeks and the health of the baby). If the cyst grows larger before third tri and becomes a problem they can go in and drain the cyst though she's never seen it come to that.
I asked her if waiting four weeks was okay because it was not seen at 8 weeks but four weeks later it was over a cm. She said the reason we did not see it at 8 weeks is because the placenta is extremely small, practically non existent. There was nothing to see at that point because it wasn't there yet.
So that's where we stand right now. There's really nothing left to do or say until my follow up appointment on July 8th. It's going to be a long four weeks.
On a separate unrelated note my belly finally popped. It looks like I'll be moving to maternity clothes at 13 weeks.
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