So I know I haven't posted in a while, honestly after the baby was born I completely forgot about my blog.
Bruce was born on December 28, 2011 at 8:06am at 6 lbs 8 oz and 19 1/2" long. I won't go into great detail but my water broke at 1:30am and I only pushed for one hour. I was 3 cm dilated and 60% effaced that morning (increased from 2cm dilated and 60% effaced at 37 weeks) at my dr appt and was having contractions all day long. The epidural was the most wonderful thing in the world, I finally got that at around 5cm. Bruce breastfed immediately and ate like a champ right off the bat. He was such an easy baby and very alert. He was slightly jaundice a few days after he was born but that quickly went away. He started sleeping thru the night at 6 weeks and our life adjusted very easily to having a new baby. I adjusted quickly to being a mommy and was back down to my pre pregnancy size (actually smaller) about three months after Bruce was born. R is absolutely amazing with Bruce and has been head over heels in love with him from the second he arrived. They are best buddies and I sometimes tear up watching them together because it is just so beautiful!
Bruce is now 16 months old and he is the most amazing little boy. He has brownish - blondish hair and the most shockingly crystal blue eyes I have ever seen. He is tall and lean and has huge feet lol. Bruce is happy all the time and is so friendly, and especially loves other kids. He loves to dance and runs and climbs on everything! He definitely has a lot of energy and doesn't stop moving ever. He is on a great schedule but is very easy going and adjusts if needed. He wakes up between 6:30am - 7am and then goes down for a nap around 10am. He sleeps anywhere from 1 1/2 - 3 hours and then is up and moving again. He goes down for the night at 8pm and sleeps like a dream. He eats everything under the sun and probably more than I do lol. He is absolutely the light of our lives and I can't even remember what my life was before him.
I am on my iPad so I can't post any pics right now but I will definitely post som when I get on my laptop.
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