Sunday, May 22, 2011

Let the worrying begin

The next day I tested with another digital and got that beutiful word that I had been waiting to see "pregnant". I also went for a blood test which came positive the next day. I was so excited but also so worried that it wasn't true or it would go away. Everything was going along fine for the first week. I felt good except for some mild cramping and I was starting to get tired easily. Then I one night about a week later I was laying in bed watching tv and I suddenly got a really sharp jab. It was really low, almost in the crease of my leg. It happened quick and then went away. I thought it was weird but didn't give it too much thought since it was in a weird spot. I fell asleep and was woken up several times during the night by this sharp jab. The next morning when I woke up it happened again so I decided to call the doctor. The nurse told me it was probably nothing but she would check with the doctor and call me back. I really wasn't that concerned about it until later that afternoon when the doctor called back and wanted me to come in that day for an ultrasound. I was so nervous and upset that something was wrong. I went in for the ultrasound and everything looked fine. Even though it was way to early to see the baby the gestational sac was in the correct spot. I met with the doctor and she told me the reason she wanted me to come in because she was afraid that it might have been an ectopic pregnancy but everything looked good. She examined the spot where I was getting the sharp pain and discovered a very tiny cyst just under the skin. It was tiny, smaller then a popcorn kernel. She said that it was nothing to be concerned with and thought that I've probably had it for a long time. She thought it could have been irritated from the ligaments starting to stretch in my abdomen. I haven't felt the pain since but I felt better having had it checked out and knowing that the baby was where it was supposed to be and measuring right on schedule at 5 weeks.

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