Sunday, May 22, 2011

7 Weeks

At 7 weeks pregnant my morning sickness has really kicked in :( It's much stronger and gets really bad if I don't eat. I discovered the plain eggo waffles are the best thing on the planet. They go down easy and really do the trick. I also started using Preggie Pop Drops. My friend gave me a gift bag and they were in there so I thought I'd give them a chance. They are little citrus candies and really take away the nausea. The cramping is pretty much gone but the fatigue and bloat is still around.

I also went for my first dating ultrasound. It was so exciting! The baby is the size of a blueberry and had a very strong little heartbeat, 120 bmp! Everything looked good and my edd is January 6th! We also got a great pic of the baby. You can see it's little arms, eyes and the umbilical cord :)

Here is a pic of my bump that is starting to make it's appearance (I switched back to the blue shirt):

 Here's a pic of our little bean :)

6 Weeks

At 6 weeks pregnant I was still feeling pretty good. Still having some mild cramping but not as frequent as before. I was getting mild waves of nausea and could barely keep my eyes open after 3pm. Also I started getting really bloated at night. It looked like a little baby bump but was gone by the time the morning came. Here is my bump picture for 6 weeks (the black shirt wasn't a good idea):

5 Weeks

At 5 weeks pregnant I was feeling pretty good. I had some mild cramping on and off and I was starting to get tired in the early afternoon. Here is a picture of my (non-exsistant) bump:

Let the worrying begin

The next day I tested with another digital and got that beutiful word that I had been waiting to see "pregnant". I also went for a blood test which came positive the next day. I was so excited but also so worried that it wasn't true or it would go away. Everything was going along fine for the first week. I felt good except for some mild cramping and I was starting to get tired easily. Then I one night about a week later I was laying in bed watching tv and I suddenly got a really sharp jab. It was really low, almost in the crease of my leg. It happened quick and then went away. I thought it was weird but didn't give it too much thought since it was in a weird spot. I fell asleep and was woken up several times during the night by this sharp jab. The next morning when I woke up it happened again so I decided to call the doctor. The nurse told me it was probably nothing but she would check with the doctor and call me back. I really wasn't that concerned about it until later that afternoon when the doctor called back and wanted me to come in that day for an ultrasound. I was so nervous and upset that something was wrong. I went in for the ultrasound and everything looked fine. Even though it was way to early to see the baby the gestational sac was in the correct spot. I met with the doctor and she told me the reason she wanted me to come in because she was afraid that it might have been an ectopic pregnancy but everything looked good. She examined the spot where I was getting the sharp pain and discovered a very tiny cyst just under the skin. It was tiny, smaller then a popcorn kernel. She said that it was nothing to be concerned with and thought that I've probably had it for a long time. She thought it could have been irritated from the ligaments starting to stretch in my abdomen. I haven't felt the pain since but I felt better having had it checked out and knowing that the baby was where it was supposed to be and measuring right on schedule at 5 weeks.

How many times did you pee today?

I was absolutely bursting at the seams to share my news with R but did not want to tell him over the phone. I sent him a text asking him if he had class that night and what time he would be home. He said he had class and wanted to know why I wanted to know. I told him no reason, because I wanted to grill and if he was going to be late then it would be dark out and I'd figure out something else for dinner. He said that he'd be home around 7:30pm so grilling would be fine. I thought I had been sneaky but then he replied "I'm watching you", lol. I guess he knew I was up to something.

The day felt like an eternity. R finally got home around 8pm and greeted me in the kitchen. He went to the fridge to grab a drink and I went over to give him a kiss hello. I was trying so hard not to smile but he immediately knew something was up and asked me what was going on. I said nothing because I wanted him to get in the door and settled a bit before I surprised him with the big news. He didn't believe me that nothing was going on and pressed me to tell him. I couldn't keep it a secret any more and lifted my shirt to reveal a small heart with the words "Hi Dad" I had drawn in the center in eye liner on my stomach. He looked at it and said, "What does that mean?! What does that mean?! Did you get your period today?! What does that mean?!". I started laughing and told him that it meant that I was pregnant and he was going to be a daddy. He asked me how I knew that so I took him by the hand and brought him to the bathroom where all the positive hpt's were lined up on the counter. He looked at them and asked me "How many times did you pee today?". It was so funny!

R was really nervous that first night. He kept telling me to calm down and not freak out but I think that was more for his benefit then mine, lol. He said he didn't want to get too excited until it was confirmed especially since the positives were so light. I explained to him it didn't matter how light the positives were a line is a line but he was still very nervous. We agreed to wait to get too excited until it was confirmed with a bloodtest the next morning but R kept talking about it and asking me questions all night long. I could tell he was so excited but didn't want to show it in case it wasn't true. It was really cute!

Is that a second line?!

We started TTC in September 2010 and like most couples believed that it would happen immediately. After all, we were warned our entire lives how easy it is to get pregnant. What they don't tell you is that it can take a healthy couple up to one year of actively ttc to get pregnant. We were lucky that it did not take a full year and it finally happened to us on our sixth try.

I had been charting my temps for months, trying to figure out my irregular cycles. On the day af was due I had a big temp dip and horrible cramps, which I assumed meant that we were out for the cycle. I was disappointed to say the least because my temps in my 2ww were completely different then any other cycle so I was very optimistic that it was a good sign that we actually got it this time. That night right before bed I thought af had begun to make her appearance so I fully expected she would be there in full force the next morning. I woke up and temp'd as normal and to my surprise my temp spiked back up. I didn't give it much thought and rolled over and went back to sleep. I got up at my normal time and was surprised that af had not shown her ugly face after all. I decided to poas and to my surprise a very faint second line started to pop up after about 20 seconds. I was in complete shock as I was so used to seeing stark white hpt's. I ran to the hall closet and grabbed a first response early response test. I quickly dipped that and again a very faint second line had started to appear. I was so excited and started yelling to Daisy and Bosco, "Is that a second line?! OMG! There's a second line!" They looked at me like I was crazy and were dancing at the door to go outside. I decided to grab a clear blue digital test and dip that one as well. I took the dogs out and when I came back in the digital test said "not pregnant". I was not discouraged though because I knew those tests were not as sensitive as the frer or the IC's I had used. I grabbed three more IC's and dipped those, all showed faint positives. Looking back I now know that what I had the day before was an implantation dip with implantation spotting. I was in such shock that I was actually pregnant! I started shaking and crying, it was one of the best moments of my life!