I was absolutely bursting at the seams to share my news with R but did not want to tell him over the phone. I sent him a text asking him if he had class that night and what time he would be home. He said he had class and wanted to know why I wanted to know. I told him no reason, because I wanted to grill and if he was going to be late then it would be dark out and I'd figure out something else for dinner. He said that he'd be home around 7:30pm so grilling would be fine. I thought I had been sneaky but then he replied "I'm watching you", lol. I guess he knew I was up to something.
The day felt like an eternity. R finally got home around 8pm and greeted me in the kitchen. He went to the fridge to grab a drink and I went over to give him a kiss hello. I was trying so hard not to smile but he immediately knew something was up and asked me what was going on. I said nothing because I wanted him to get in the door and settled a bit before I surprised him with the big news. He didn't believe me that nothing was going on and pressed me to tell him. I couldn't keep it a secret any more and lifted my shirt to reveal a small heart with the words "Hi Dad" I had drawn in the center in eye liner on my stomach. He looked at it and said, "What does that mean?! What does that mean?! Did you get your period today?! What does that mean?!". I started laughing and told him that it meant that I was pregnant and he was going to be a daddy. He asked me how I knew that so I took him by the hand and brought him to the bathroom where all the positive hpt's were lined up on the counter. He looked at them and asked me "How many times did you pee today?". It was so funny!
R was really nervous that first night. He kept telling me to calm down and not freak out but I think that was more for his benefit then mine, lol. He said he didn't want to get too excited until it was confirmed especially since the positives were so light. I explained to him it didn't matter how light the positives were a line is a line but he was still very nervous. We agreed to wait to get too excited until it was confirmed with a bloodtest the next morning but R kept talking about it and asking me questions all night long. I could tell he was so excited but didn't want to show it in case it wasn't true. It was really cute!