Sunday, December 15, 2013

Induction day - she's here!

Julie Josephine (mn after my mom) was born 12/11/13 at 10:12pm. 6 lbs 7 oz and 20" long. After meeting with the HR dr that morning I was sent down the hospital for induction. I was 2cm and 60% effaced upon emission at 3:15pm so they rubbed some cream on my cervix to increase contractions and help my cervix soften. Within about 10 minutes my contractions were at 5 mins a part but manageable. 

So I walked around and played cards with R until 9pm when my contractions got to 1 1/2 mins a part. The dr came in to check me and I was 3cm 80% effaced. The cervix check hurt like a bitch and my water ended up breaking. The pain quickly kicked in and I was asking for something at 9:15pm. It was too early for the epi but I didn't want anything that would make me loopy so I declined. Five minutes later I was ringing the nurses asking for "all the drugs, whatever you have" lol. The nurse took forever to get me two shots of whatever and I was in incredible pain. She finally gave it to me at 9:30pm and it did nothing to cut the pain but rather made the room spin and cause me to zone in and out between contractions (it felt awful). The nurse checked me and I was almost 4cm. At this point I was yelling for the epi but was told the anesthesiologist was going into an emergency C section next door so I had to wait. 

At 9:45pm I was literally screaming, crying and begging (and according to R swearing) for the epi and the stupid nurse kept saying "she's barely at 4cm" to whoever came in the room. At 10:05pm the dr was heading into the OR next to me to deliver the c section when she stopped for a minute to see me screaming. I suddenly felt the urge to push and she told me not to. She checked me and baby was crowning. She told me to push and I told her no that I wasn't doing it without the epi. She said there was no time for the epi and I told her I would hold the baby in while she went to get it lol. By then my body was taking over and I started vomiting (lucky R got to hold the cup) and I pushed three or four times and Julie was out. I had a first degree tear and needed only two stitches. 

The whole thing still seems so surreal. I had no intentions of a med free birth and now having one of each I can honestly say I would not wish one on my worst enemy. Get the drugs! It was the worst pain of my life. It was nice being able to get up and walk around shortly after but that is not worth skipping the epi. JMO

Nothing was set up in the room because they were not expecting her to come so quickly. She was extremely gross and sticky feeling (to be honest) when they put her on my chest but we did skin to skin and she bf right away. Julie is in the 13% percentile at 39w4d and was having issues regulating her body temp. They tried the heat lamps but after an hour I wanted to do more skin to skin to try and increase her temp. It worked and she toasted right up. She woke up at 5am squeaking so I fed her and she went right back to sleep. She is such a little piggy! This morning her temp dipped slightly again so we did more sts and she was nice and toasty since.

38 - 39 weeks

What a crazy few weeks it has been! So at 38 weeks I had my bpp ultrasound recheck and baby was looking good. They couldn't do another growth ultrasound since a full week hasn't passed yet since the last one (insurance won't pay) but they were estimating her just under 6 lbs. I was 2 cm dilated, 60% effaced and +1 station. 

The dr "pushed back" my membranes and I immediately lost my baby plug. The baby had been very restless in there and I felt very off all day. The dr thought I'd go within the next 48 hrs and told me to call when contractions were 10 mins a part for at least an hour. I was kind of surprised because with DS she told me to call when they were 3 mins a part but she's nervous since Bruce came so fast. 

So at 39w2d I had a bpp ultrasound and non stress test. Baby looked good on ultrasound but did terrible on the monitor, low heart rate/movement. They gave me some juice and she perked up enough to pass. The dr was a complete ass and basically didn't give me any info. He was completely on a different page for a plan of action then the other doctors in the practice and I left very upset. That evening I had called the on call dr for decreased fetal movement (which had been happening all weekend along with contraction every 15 mins a part but then fizzling out to nothing). I was told to go down to the hospital for monitoring and everything checked out fine. The dr told me to come to the office the next day for another ultrasound.

I went in the next day and again she did great on ultrasound but terrible on the monitor. The gave me some juice again and she perked up enough to pass the non stress test. The Dr was concerned though because she should have been bopping around considering I had just eaten lunch with a big glass of iced tea and had hot chocolate and two glasses of OJ earlier. She checked me again and I was still 2cm dilated and 60% effaced. 

The dr believes while little girl was healthy she was stressed.  She wants me to be induced  but the problem is baby is considered "boarder line" on paper for the insurance company (talk about infuriating). AND since I was initially going for the growth ultrasounds at the high risk dr they need their ok for the induction. So the following day I went for a growth ultrasound with them and the HR dr said while baby looked healthy she is small and likely stressed. He was concerned if we waited any longer it could start to effect her and recommended I go in that day for an induction.