Well here we are closing in on the final few weeks. I can't believe how fast time has passed. I had a growth ultrasound a few weeks ago and everything is looking great. The baby was measuring in the 45th percentile at a whopping 3 lbs 9 oz (this was at 31 weeks). He has been head down since that appointment which is great. He continues to beat on my ribs and now enjoys sitting on top of them rather than pushing from underneath them. My ribs are bruised and so sore that my bra feels like it's strangling me. It's really strange, I even get a numbness/tingling right under my breasts. The heartburn and acid reflux has continued to get worst and Tums are my new best friend. I've also had some swelling in my hands so I haven't been able to wear my wedding rings for little over a month now. I wake up several times during the night with numb fingers and a lot of pain in my joints (along with having to pee all the time). So far so good though that my feet have only had one or two days of swelling and that is was only in the morning. Other than those few complaints things overall have been great and I am really fortunate and happy to be having such a wonderful pregnancy.
I am now going to the doctor once a week and after today am considered full term! As of my appointment last Wednesday I weigh 132 lbs. which puts my total weight gain at 29 lbs. The doctors are really pleased and even commented how there is no fat around my belly and how I'm all baby. I hope this means that I'll be back down to my pre-pregnancy weight fairly quickly after the baby is born. Here is my 36 week bump pic:
We are making progress in the nursery. The chair rails are up but the nail holes need to be caulked and given a final coat of paint. The frog and dragonfly decals are on the wall and I've gotten the window valances hung. The crib arrived this week and R is supposed to put it together today. The only things I'm waiting on are the area rug and side table (by the glider) to be delivered from Target, which should be within the next two weeks. Once those are in then I'll take some pics and post them.
We did not do maternity pics after all. We had a freak snow storm at the end of October and all the leaves fell off the trees before turning. I think I'm just going to have my girlfriend come over and take some pics once the nursery is finished rather than spend so much money on professional pics. I'd rather save that for when the baby is born and I can have really nice newborn pics done instead. I did have my baby showers a few weeks ago. The CT one turned out a big crowd and we got so much stuff! The food was amazing and everyone was so generous! The NY baby shower was right after Thanksgiving and was only the immediate family (about 25 of us). We had a delicious brunch and all of R's aunts and uncles surprised us and went in on the crib together. My MIL was also very generous and got us a lot of stuff as well. We are so fortunate that the only thing we ended up having to buy was the stroller and car seat, which I picked up last week. So now we just need to finish putting things together and I think we are ready for this little one to get here. I am secretly hoping he comes soon. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I was extremely uncomfortable at this point but I'd love for him to be here for Christmas. I guess we will have to wait and see when he decides to make his appearance.